Wednesday, January 23, 2008

RIP Heath Ledger (1979-2008)

As I entered my class room a few minutes from 7AM in the morning, I received one of the most shocking things I've heard in a long, long time. Everyone was screaming and shocked to hear the terrible news of the death Oscar nominee Heath Ledger. Apparently, the 28-year-old Leading Man died from a Drug Overdose in New York right before he was about to have a massage. This is one of the saddest and worst things that has happened to Hollywood in recent years. In his short career, Ledger has grazed the screen with memorable performances and awesome portrayals. Right when he was at the top of his game, with a critically acclaimed work and controversial role, Hollywood has lost one of their brightest starts. RIP. He will surely be missed. This is my tribute to you:

10 Things I Hate About You (1999) - Ledger started out in teen version of Shakespeare's "Twelth Night" as main star Patrick who is paid to take out an bitchy, self-abosorb, rebillion girl named Kat (Julia Stiles). As the film boomed, Ledger quickly got world wide recognition and became a teenage sweetheart in the ranks of Leo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp.

The Patriot (2000) - He then went on to "The Patriot" as Mel Gibson's son Gabriel. "The Patriot" was just a stepping stone till Ledger garners bigger roles in the new century.

Knight's Tale (2001) - became Ledger's first film where he was the star of it all. No woman (Julia Stiles) or Veteran Oscar winner (Mel Gibson) could steal his thunder this time. This was finally Ledger's chance to be one of Hollywood's leading men catching the eye of thousands, gaining nominations for the MTV Movie Awards and Teen Choice Awards. But those awards were mere minor...

The Brother's Grimm (2005) - Right before Ledger's biggest movies of all time, he graduated from mere teenage star to ACTOR OF SERIOUS FILMS. He first showed off his acting skills and had a little fun in the mystical fairy tale of "The Brother's Grimm" with Matt Damon.

Brokeback Mountain (2005) - Not only does Ledger's performance in "Brokeback Mountain" become his most memorable performance to date, but his Ennis character became one of the most well-received performances of the decade. Ledger shot up A-List star and not only garnered an Oscar nomination for his role as the homosexual, but also nominations for the BAFTA, Golden Globe, Independent Spirit, MTV Award, Satellite, Screen Actor's Guild Award, and numerous critics awards - ALL FOR BEST LEAD ACTOR! Heath graduates with a well-received controversial performance. The kid had a bright future ahead of him.

Casanova (2005) - For his 4th film of 2005 (the other is "Lords of Dogtown"), Ledger visits Italy to tell the true story of womanizer Casnova who falls in love with a stubborn woman named Francesca Bruni (portayed by Sienna Miller).

I'm Not There (2007) - In one of the most acclaimed movies of the year, Ledger not only bares-it-all, but also amazes audiences with his work as a younger version of Bob Dylan in Todd Hayne's "I'm Not There". Now with his A-List Status, Ledger could do any project he wanted and was a perfect addition to the wonderful all-star ensemble of the Todd Hayne's project.

Batman: The Dark Knight (2008) - In his last performance to date, it isn't even released yet, Heath Ledger gives us all he has after garnering the controversial role of The Joker in "Batman: The Dark Knight", sequel to the 2005 "Batman Begins". When Ledger got the role, many talks arose on how he'll "ruin the movie" or how his new look would affect the franchise. People, you'll just have to wait till summer to see the Great Ledger, in the last film of his career.

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