Thursday, December 6, 2007

Nationa Board of Review results: "No Country for Old Men" wins Best Picture.

Here are the results for the National Board of Review, the first very important critics award that leads one more step to Oscar. the Cohen Brother's adapted "No Country for Old Men" leads with 3 awards, including the top prize as Best Picture, and it is put right back on the Best Picture map. Last year "Letter from Iwo Jima" was the surprise Best Picture (although this one isn't so surprising) and it ended up having a very worthy Best Picture nomination when the Oscars came. George Clooney and Julie Christie's dead buzz finally resumes as they garner the Lead Acting Prizes and the Supporting players aren't surprising at all. Tim Burton can finally rejoice, Scorsese won the Oscar last year after he won the NBR, can Burton's first nomination be his first win? Another notable thing is that "Atonement" is completely shut out, except for a spot in the Top 10 list, the movie got nothing else.

Here's the full list of winners:
Best Picture: "No Country for Old Men"
Best Actor: George Clooney for "Michael Clayton"
Best Actress: Julie Christie for "Away from Her"
Best Supporting Actor: Casey Affleck for "The Assignation of Jesse James"
Best Supporting Actress: Amy Ryan for "Gone Baby Gone"
Best Director: Tim Burton for "Sweeney Todd"

Best Ensemble: "No Country for Old Men"
Best Breakthrough - Male: Emile Hirsch for "Into the Wild"
Best Breakthrough - Female: Ellen Page for "Juno"
Best Directorial Debut: Ben Affleck for "Gone Baby Gone"
Best Foreign Language Film: "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"
Best Documentary: "Body of War"
Best Animated Feature: "Ratatouille"
Best Original Screenplay: (tie) Diablo Cody for "Juno", Nancy Oliver for "Lars and the Real Girls"
Best Adapted Screenplay: Coen Brothers for "No Country for Old Men"

TOP 10 Films (alphabetical order)
The Assignation of Jessie James by the Coward Robert Ford
The Bourne Ultimatum
The Bucket List
Into the Wild
The Kite Runner
Lars and the Real Girl
Michael Clayton
Sweeney Todd

TOP Five Foreign Films (alphabetical order):
4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days
The Band's Visit
The Counterfeiters
La Vie En Rose
Lust, Cuation

TOP Five Documentary Films (alphabetical order):
Darfur Now
In the Shadown of the Moon
Taxi to the Darkside

TOP Independent Films(alphabetical order):
Away from Her
Great World of Sound
In the Valley of Elah
A Might Heart
The Namesake
The Savages
Starting Out in the Evening

Career Achievement – MICHAEL DOUGLAS
William K. Everson Film History Award – ROBERT OSBORNE
Career Achievement in Cinematography – ROGER DEAKINS
The BVLGARI Award for NBR Freedom of Expression – THE GREAT DEBATERS and PERSEPOLIS

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