Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2000-2007: Favorite Movies of the Year

REQUIEM FOR A DREAM (2000, Darren Aronofsky)
[Picture: Marlon Wayans and Jared Leto go to a drug distrubution that goes rampant.]

MOULIN ROUGE! (2001, Baz Luhrmann)
[Picture: Nicole Kidman sings the seductive "Diamons Are a Girl Best Friend" to sing to the "one-and-only" Duke.]

THE PIANIST (2002, Roman Polanski)
[Picture: Adrian Brody walks from place to place, past the worrying and terrified Jews in Poland, World War II.]

COLD MOUNTAIN (2003, Anthony Minghella)
[Picture: Renee Zelwegger and Nicole Kidman share a nice, warm Christmas together; looking after each other during the Civil War.]

THE AVIATOR (2004, Martin Scorsese)
[Picture: Leonardo DiCaprio and Gwen Stefani (in a cameo as Jean Harlow) enter the movie premier of "Hello's Angels" in 1920's Hollywood.]

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (2005, Joe Wright)
[Picture: Keira Knightly looks and observes Mr. Darcy's mansion as she hears piano music from the other room.]

THE DEPARTED (2006, Martin Scorsese)
[Picture: Leonardo DiCaprio reflects his troubled and "living-in-fear" mobster life.]

ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (2007, Julie Taymor)
[Picture: Jim Sturgess, Evan Rachel Wood and ensemble of the movie sings the haunting "Because" ballad.]

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